Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Smith's Savings! Love Daytona 500 Savings

I just got back from Smiths with my Cereal Food Storage for the next 3 months and I am happy. I did end up spending $62.06 - that means I just STRETCHED my dollar more than 3x each!!!

Before coupons, it would have been $194.67. That is a savings of $132.61. If you are interested in finding deals like these, go to, click on Start, highlight the deals you want to buy, click shrink, and start gathering coupons and printing the printables and you will be happy too! I did luck out because I had my Smith's Rewards Certificate from the last quarter ($6) plus the coupons that came from this - which altogether helped me save another about $10, plus I got "DOUBLE POINTS" from another coupons for having one transaction equally more than $40 and receiving this with my Smith's Rewards Coupon - helping me get another $5 after March 31, 2011. *You have to get at least 500 points to receive a reward. Of course, the points continue to accummulate throughout the year, so don't give up. They do restart after December as I learned in 2010.*

Some of my favorite savings:

Cinnaburst Cheerios & Honey Nut Chex (75 cents off - I still have more Q's, so if you know me and need some, drop me a line and you can have them!) = 2.29-.60-.75 = $.94 each! (stretching my dollar about 1.5 times)
Cheerios ($1/2) = 2.29 - .6 - .5 = 1.19 for the BIG BOX (20 oz). (And we have been WAITING for this to go on sale). I like to wait until it is less than $1, but this was good enough - I bought 10 and only spent $11.90! (Almost doubling my dollar stretchability)
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks ($.50/2) plus 3 (.50) ecoupons in addition! ALSO right now there is a DOUBLE CATALINA offer that goes into effect. If you buy 3, get $1 off your next order; buy 4, get $2 off your next order; buy 5, get $3 off your next order. Here's the breakdown: sale price 1.99; - $.60 for Daytona; -$.30 for catalina; -$.25 for coupons; and -$.25 for 3 extra ecoupons = $.34! (A lovely STRETCH of about 6x my dollar)
Thanks to Utah Deal Diva for this idea!
Purex Laundry Detergent ($1/1). Sale price was $2.50 - .60 Daytona - $1 for Q from RedPlum 2/20 = $.90 each! (Stretching my dollar over 1.5)
Ronzoni Garden Delight ($1/1 from SmartSource 1/23/11 Sunday Newspaper Ads). **These are not part of Daytona, just a great deal! Sale Price = $1.29 - $1 Q =$.29 each. A lovely STRETCH of 4x to my dollars!

There's much more, but these were what drew me to the store to SAVE like crazy!

One more tip if you want to try this:

Complete each of the Daytona 500 transactions separately. Buy the 10 products with your coupons, get the $3 off 10 participating products plus the $3 catalina (a coupon that prints at the register).

Complete the next transaction of 10, use your $3 catalina on this so that you get $6 off this transaction.

Continue rolling your transactions and save the final, non-participating products (like milk) until last. And, hey, you get some free milk too!

All in all, I bought 58 items (some not on sale at all), for $62.06 or about $1.07 each.

Happy Stretching!

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