Friday, October 1, 2010

Walgreens 101

I have learned one thing about couponing - START SMALL because your first purchase at a new store will inevitably cost more than you planned and will not work out perfectly as planned. My usual phrase continues to apply: Expect the Best, Prepare for the Worst, and Take What Comes (but not without checking carefully and defending what you know is right!)

I went to Walgreens today and did my first really "big" buy. I have been hesitant to try out Walgreens because I have heard their rules are a bit strict and by the time I get up to go, I have spent my money for the week. So, this week, I allotted $10 to Walgreens to try it out. Here's some lessons I learned:

1- Check your RR. If there's more than 1 product listed in the same RR grouping, you can only get 1 at a time and that RR cannot be applied to a purchase of that product again.
For Example: I wanted to buy 2 Tilex and 2 Clorox Wipes, but they were in the same "RR Grouping" that said if you bought 2 of these items, you'd get $2 RR. So, since they were in the same transaction I only got $2 back and not $4 because they were in the same transaction. Resolution: Only buy 1 set of each RR grouping in a transaction.
Second Example: I tried to then by some Clorox Toilet Cleaner (also in the same group) and couldn't get another RR because I used the RR to pay for it - luckily the manager was very nice and reversed that order for me. Resolution: Watch your RR rewards and use a different grouping of RR to pay for this (I used the RR from Cloros to pay for Vicks, then used Vicks' RR to pay for Clorox) More transactions, but you save more.

2- Each coupon must attach to its own item (and RR's count as a coupon).
For example: I tried to buy Vicks Sinex Nasal Spray that was priced at $6 and wanted to use both a $4 coupon and $2 in RR, but I could not do this because there was only 1 item and 2 coupons. Resolution: Buy an extra 50 cent item, or an item that you had to buy anyway (as long as the cost would be the same or nearly the same in a different store - like milk, eggs, etc.) or another item that would be free with the RR you receive back.
Second Example: I tried to buy 2 Clorox Toilet Cleaners with a $1/2 coupon (so it attaches to 2 items) and use a $2 RR, but could not because that would be 3 coupons for 2 items. Resolution: Buy an extra 50 cent item, or an item that you had to buy anyway (as long as the cost would be the same or nearly the same in a different store - like milk, eggs, etc.) or another item that would be free with the RR you receive back.

3. Your purchase has to exceed the coupon price and cannot cover taxes.
For example: If I had an item that I wanted to buy that cost $1.99, but had a coupon for $2 off that item, I could not buy it until I found something else that cost at least $.01 PLUS TAX (so another $.14 in Utah) in order to use the coupon. Resolution: I found some lipstick or treats to buy for about 50 cents to be able to use the coupons and get the savings (I figure I'll use them as stocking stuffers in a few months)

So, here's my final take-home purchase report from Walgreens. Hopefully it helps someone else learn and save.

Transaction #1 (They wouldn't let me take this one back so I lost $2 of my dollars I planned on using)

2 Clorox Wipes ($5/2 Sale)
2 Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner ($5/2 Sale)
2 Clorox Wipes Coupons ($1 off each Printable)
1 Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner Coupon ($1 off Printable)

OOP = 7.68, PLUS $2 in RR (should be $4, but in the same grouping as explained above)

Transaction #2 (Really it was my 3rd or 4th Transaction but the others were voided after me asking why it didn't work the way I planned)

1 Vicks Sinex Nasal Spray ($6 sale)
1 Lipstick (50% off $1 = $.49)
-$4/1 Sinex from newspaper Q's
-$2 RR from above transaction

OOP = $.93 Plus $2 in RR

Transaction #3
2 Tilex Mold & Mildew Cleaner ($5/2)
1 Lip Balm (50% off $1 = $.49)
-($1/2 Q from newspaper)
-$2 RR from above transaction

OOP = $2.87 Plus $2 in RR

TOTAL OOP = $11.48
Before Coupons, RRs & Sales = $35.78
Savings = $24.30 or 66% If I had been able to do it my way, I would have spent the same, but saved $30.97 & 73% and received 2 more Toilet Bowl Cleaners! but oh well, still a great deal!)
9 items averaging $1.28 each (would have been $1.04 if I had been able to follow the rules a bit better).

Sometimes a little hard luck helps us learn well!

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