Thursday, July 8, 2010

More Smiths Fun

Since I went at 11pm on a Thursday, I returned on Saturday after re-stocking to get the rest of my coupon plan:

Bounty Paper Towels $1.79 each (supposed to be $1.09) -$1 Q = should have been 9 cents each GRRRR!
Fruit Snacks Variety Packs x6 at 1.99 each -$.50 each Q ($1/2) and 30 cents each other promo = 1.19 each
Dawn - out of FREE item, but needed it so got large size for $5.99 - $1 Q = $4.99
Cinnamon Toast Crunch = 2.29-$1 Q - 30 cents promo = $.99
Ketchup (24 oz size)x2 = 1.25 - $1 Q (20 cent Q x 5 woohoo!) = 25 cents
Cheerios (18 oz size) x2 = 2.29 -$1 Q - 30 cents promo = $.99
Quaker Chewy Bars x 2 = 1.77 each - $1/2 Q = 1.27 each
Ragu Sauce = 1.69 -30 cent promot (Q expired GRRR!) = 1.39
PAM cooking sprayx2 = $1.99 - $1Q = 99 cents each
Powdered Sugar = 1.25x2
Gold'nSoft Butterx2 = 1.79 - $1Q = 79 cents each
CV Cheese x2 (8 oz) = 2.29 - $1Q = 1.29 each (PLUS closer to FREE ZOO PASS!)
Ivory Soap 3 packx2 = 1.00 - $1Q = FREE
Mentos Fruit = .50 - $1 Q = Free plus overage (if it worked right!)
Pizza Rolls x 4 = 1.25 - $1Q (also supposed to have promo so FREE, BUT I CAN'T Count - oopsie!) = 25 cents each
Yogurtx12 = 53 cents each - $1/6 Q = 36 cents each
Goldfish crackers = 1.25 -$1 Q = 25 cents

Total OOP = 38.52 Total Savings = $58.64 or 61% Yippee

50 items sold - avg cost = 77 cents each

WEEKS TOTAL = $59.43
Would have cost: $149.75
Savings: $90.32 or 60.3%
72 items or average of $0.83

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