Monday, July 12, 2010

Getting Organized

Here's my latest update. I have just found a great site where you can get a coupon database of all the magazine, catalina, newspaper, etc. coupons. It is called Grocery Coupons: A Full Cup - it's free, but you do have to register. I am hoping this helps me with using more of my newspaper coupons and not having to spend so much time on my slow computer with my poor, old, finicky printer with the printables - they can be a supplement, not a major source.

I have also just completely updated my savings excel form from the time I started my couponing in earnest (the middle of April). Here's the breakdown from April - present.

Total OOP (all stores including Home Depot, Lowes, Dollar Tree, D.I., Target, WinCo, Wal-Mart, Maceys, Smiths, Fresh Market, etc.): $1,879.63

Total Saved: $706.99
% Saved: 26%

Average Spent per Week:$171.94
Average Saved per Week: $75.59 or 30.5%

I have made a lot of mistakes, did not always record my savings, etc. so I am hoping that my percentage improves in this next quarter, but just wanted to take a moment to finalize my reckoning instead of all the back-logging I've been doing lately. But, hurrah! It is making a difference, my cupboards are stocking up nicely, but my pocketbook is nearly the same minus a few slip-ups from time to time.


Weekly Overall Spending: $100
Weekly Savings Goal: 45%

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